New Year, New Start?

Well I ended my last post back in October by wondering what we would be doing at Christmas and look it’s 2010 already! Where did that time go?

Pre-Christmas I spent an unexpected few days in hospital causing alarm to family and friends alike and was off work for a fortnight. Thank God, although dramatic at the time, involving a ride in an ambulance with the blues and twos on, there was no lasting damage and no treatment required save a course of antibiotics.

We spent Christmas back home in Gloucestershire and enjoyed Christmas dinner with our son and family and had ‘open house’ on New Year’s Eve giving us a chance to catch up with lots of friends seeing the New Year in with many of them.

So after a welcome break interrupted only by the unwelcome necessity of the annual tax return it was back to work in the New Year with more new boats to fit engines to and then winter arrived! Joy managed to take a tumble on the ice on the way home from Sunday Lunch at The Barley Mow, wasn’t the cider … honest, and has been hobbling about all week.

Despite the Christmas holiday and the bad weather our house has still been getting viewings and we are hoping that the start of 2010 will see our house sold and our life as ‘Liveaboards’ beginning.

As I write this a first-time-buyer wants to come back for a second look so we live in hope!
Let’s hope my next posting will contain good news about it.